It's a well-known cliche people go travelling to find themselves or to get some reevaluation time, but there are some definate patterns around holiday time.

1. Changing job
I'm in a fortunate position of loving my job. However, I'm in a minority. Going away seems to give people the motivation to either quit their jobs for another or start their own business.
The job market always picks up around September, as a swathe of people hand in their notices.
2. Lifestyle habits
Whether it's to learn to cook, read more or learn guitar, something about immersing yourself in a different culture sets us on a path to enlightenment.
Gym membership, course enrollment and classes pick up in January. It's not just the New Year that provokes a change. Reconvening on a sun-soaked beach or on the piste has something to do with it too.
I decided to bite the bullet and enrol with OU to study for my masters while in Bali.
3. Charity work
Perhaps it's visiting countries so different to ours and making connections with new people, but giving to charity or volunteering seems to go from non-consideration or front of mind.
While away, I set up a direct debit to The Climate Coalition. My recent trip The Gambia inspired me to research climate change NGOs.
4. Getting out of your comfort zone
Travelling means putting ourselves out there. Whether it's flying solo, swimming with sharks or doing a bungee jump.
Doing this whets our appetite to do more. So the next trip might be a skydive or scuba diving.
5. The next trip
Before we get back on that plane or boat, we're thinking about the places we didn't see or the next place we want to go.
The amount of times I've heard, "I need to see more of Italy" or "I should go to more historical places" or "I need to see famous works of arts" when someone gets back from their holiday.
I always plan a year ahead when it comes to travelling. I know it's extreme, but I am a blogger.
6. Moving
Whether it's moving to another country or wanting to temporarily work somewhere else, going away gives you an idea of what's achievable.
The amount of ex-pats who have chosen to retire all over Europe is a testament to that. Add to that the amount of Brits who work or teach English abroad, the numbers swell.
7. Settling down
Change of pace for this one. Sometimes going away makes you appreciate home.
You suddenly see the value of your home town, friends, family, colleagues and native culture.